Category: About Us

About Us CRT

About Us:

Already involved in the Cash Register business since 1983, and aware of the potential for developing his own company with the introduction of Touch Screen technology in the late 90’s Bryan Cusack set up the company CRT in May 1999.

CRT is based in South Dublin and we are 100% Irish owned and operated. Irish g


Sales Director Paul Hennesey has over 30 years experience in the Point of Sale business and in Money Counting and Sorting areas.

CRT specializes in Touch Screen Epos solutions for
Restaurants, Bar’s, Off Licence,Cafés, Fast Food Outlets,Supermarket and any Retail Scanning Store.

We work closely with our business partners: Langley’s Distribution supplies the hardware and the New Hospitality ECR Touch Software and Sharp UK.

We can  provide the software for Spar and Day toDay Supermarkets  and offers an Irish solution to an Irish P.O.S. question.

Bryan Cusack.

Bryan Cusack.

Paul Hennesey 07

Paul Hennesey